Work Shop

Hong Kong

The success of our partnership with the Hong Kong Christian Service has led us to develop projects with and undertake arts education activities with other institutions in Hong Kong. In order to help art teachers to develop better focused content and improved teaching methods the OAF organised a series of seminars for teachers from the Department of Child Education and Community Services, Vocational Training Council. We have organised sharing sessions and workshops with teachers from other schools in order to help them to explore the arts and their own creativity and help them to grasp the importance of arts education. We have also helped to promote Hong Kong’s achievements in this area to an international audience. In July 2007 the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) held their 8th Annual Conference in Hong Kong with more than 600 arts education experts and professionals in attendance. OAF hosted an exhibition for the conference attendees and their guests, and commissioned a choreographer and dance artist and to perform a piece inspired by those works.

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