Organised by Osage Art Foundation (OAF), the exhibition invited 7 artists who graduated from the Master of Arts in Fine Arts of Chinese University of Hong Kong, and also the awardees of “Osage Art Award – Best in MA Show” Scholarship since 2014, to each develop a new work reflecting on their journeys after graduating. Through this exhibition, we hope to show how art bring us to encounter and then flow us into different rivers of the world.
展覽由奧沙藝術基金(OAF)主辦,邀請了7位自2014年以來畢業於香港中文大學藝術文學碩士課程、並為歷屆“Osage Art Award – Best in MA Show”得主的藝術家,回望自己畢業後的心路歷程並創作全新作品。 透過這次展覽,我們希望展示藝術如何製造相遇,又將我們送往不同的河流。
We are conditioned from an early age to seek meaning in all things – to ask “why”, look for purpose, and evaluate significance in the world around us. All the meanings given in the past centuries together built up the human system and have been ruling us. To think backwards from the origin, is there a standard for being “meaningful”? What if meaning itself is meaningless? What if the meanings we cling to are arbitrary, or blind us rather than illuminate? Is it always us who give meanings to beings?
The exhibition “Giving Meaninglessness” explores art that evades or subverts our expectations of meaning. Through seeming absurdity and nonsensicality, the works return us to a primal encounter with beings. Here, the search for meaning can be a distraction, or even a kind of trap. By suspending the impulse to make superficial sense of things, we open ourselves to new ways of seeing and understanding, and there find a meaning more profound than those we could articulate or conceptualize. Only when we relinquish the need to name and categorize experience do we become present enough to grasp its true meaning, or appreciate the meaningless as meaningful in itself, which arises from raw experience rather than preconceptions.
In the end, the meaninglessness we give, then gives meaning back to us.
我們習慣於在所有事物中尋找意義——在周圍的世界中追問原因,探尋目的並評判其重要性。 過去數個世紀被賦予的所有意義共同構建了人類系統,並一直統治著我們。 但追根溯源,“有意義”是否存在標準? 意義本身是否就是無意義的? 若被堅持的意義是任意的,或者蒙蔽我們而非使之明晰又會如何? 抑或賦予存在以意義的一直是我們自己?
展覽“賦予無意義”旨在探索那些逃避或顛覆我們對意義有所期待的藝術。 通過表面上的荒誕無稽,作品將我們帶回與存在的原始相遇。 在此,找尋意義可能是令人分心的,甚至會成爲一種陷阱。 透過暫停對事物進行膚淺理解的衝動,我們向新的觀察和理解方式敞開心扉,並由此發現比可被表達或概念化的意義更加深刻的意義。 只有當捨棄對體驗進行命名和分類的需要時,我們才能足夠臨在地把握其真正意義,或是欣賞無意義本身的意義,而這正是源於原始體驗而並非先入之見的。
“Osage Art Award – Best in MA Show” was set up by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and supported by Osage Art Foundation since 2014. The award aims to recognize outstanding students based on performance in artwork in the Master of Arts in Fine Arts Graduation Exhibition and graduation theses.
“奧沙藝術獎-文學碩士最佳畢業作品” 由香港中文大學成立,奧沙藝術基金自2014年開始支持此獎項。該獎項旨在獎勵藝術文學碩士畢業展中表現最出色之學生,基於其畢業作品及藝術論文二項的綜合表現選出。
Artists 藝術家
Jeff CHENG Tsz Fung 鄭子峰
Ricky CHUNG Wa Sau 鍾華壽
FUNG Yee Lick Eric 馮以力
Winnie PUN 潘詠雯
Haynie SZE Wing Yee 史穎怡
SO Kwok Kin 蘇國堅
Eric TSANG Tsz Yeung 曾梓洋
Curator 策展
Jiafan Weng 翁嘉璠
Opening Reception 開幕禮
08.07.2023 (Sat) 16:00-18:00
Exhibition Period 展覽日期
08.07 – 19.08.2023
Opening Hours 開放時間
Mon-Sat 星期一至六 10:30-18:30
Closed on Sundays and public holidays 星期天及公衆假期休息
Venue 地點
Osage, 4/F, 20 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong
Conversation 對話
22.07.2023 (Sat)
Recording: https://fb.watch/mjCA7Tn-q0/
Participating artists 參與藝術家
Jeff CHENG Tsz Fung 鄭子峰
Ricky CHUNG Wa Sau 鍾華壽
FUNG Yee Lick Eric 馮以力
Haynie SZE Wing Yee 史穎怡
SO Kwok Kin 蘇國堅
Eric TSANG Tsz Yeung 曾梓洋
Guest 嘉賓
Kurt Chan 陳育強
Lukas Tam 譚偉平
Moderator 主持
Jiafan Weng 翁嘉璠
Organizer 主辦
Osage Art Foundation 奧沙藝術基金
Supported by 鳴謝
Cactus Fund Award 鮮人獎基金
Design 設計
Carmen LAU Ka Man 劉嘉汶