Present Passing: South by Southeast

Present Passing: South by Southeast

  24.03.2019 – 15.06.2019    “Present Passing: South by Southeast” presented by Osage Art Foundation, curated by Patrick D. Flores (Philippines) and Natasha Becker (USA), will bring together 16 artists in total – 5 from South Africa, 2 from the Caribbean, 7 from...
HKACT! Act 3  HKRUNWAY Parachuting to Wan Chai

HKACT! Act 3 HKRUNWAY Parachuting to Wan Chai

Performance 15.12.2018 19:00 – 20:00    Media Art Projection  16 – 17.12.2018 10:00 – 20:007 Mallory Street, Wan Chai HKRUNWAY Parachuting to Wan Chai is a multi-disciplinary art project that engages in the experimentation of new media to showcase...
HKACT! Act 4 A Forum Act

HKACT! Act 4 A Forum Act

21.01.2019 10:00 – 17:00 @McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Speakers: Siegfried Zielinski, Masaki Fujihata, Yuk Hui, Scott Lash HKACT! Act 4 “A Forum Act”, a one-day forum organized by Osage Art Foundation under its HKACT!...